
The stud costs per year a lot of money, which brings a deficit of 1.5 million Euro per year. This is not new, this a common known situation since decades!
The ministry and politicians in Vienna are apparently not willing to pay for this (although the "company" SRS/Piber is still 100% in possession of the Ministry of Agriculture). They simply seem to ignore the great value for Vienna, Austria and the world for this unique cultural institutions. They simply close their eyes for real value of the stud Piber for the Lipizzaner breed in common, and the Lipizzaner breed in practice, for now and in the future!
In official press releases the reducing of the herd of brood mares in Piber is suggested. The present group of 70 available mares should be decreased to half, in order to reduce cost on all level: feeding, personnel, training, etcetera.
Please allow me to emphasize, related to my personal experience and knowledge of the Lipizzaner breed, that such a decision would be a complete disaster for the breed in long term. I fear that I have to predict, that if these plans would be realized, the existence of the Lipizzaner breed and the Spanish Ridingschool will not continue. The damage which such a decision would bring to the Lipizzaner breed, not only in Piber, but also - indirectly- in the other state studs, will be irretrievable. But we will notice the results of this only in 25 years! Horsebreeding is a matter of long term strategy!
Please Austrians, please Minister, let the apparent assignment of the present General Direktor of the SRS and the Financial Director be changed instantly !! Their principal concern should be the assurance of existence of the culture, not accomplish vulgar business goals! Cost reducing and normal conduct of business: sure, no question about that. But please....
I am sorry that I have to bother you with a great personal concern. But I am feeling sad, really sad.... And I really do not know to whom to turn to.....
Links, for example:
AntwortenLöschenWhat should we do? Seriously, what would be most effective, what can we do to let them know how we, the rest of the world feel? Letter writing? Fund raising? Public awareness campaigns?
Public awareness campaigns would be something. From every country, the USA in front! That definitely would help. But structured. Let's think and discuss.
AntwortenLöschenAbsolutely, I will do whatever is needed.
AntwortenLöschenI share your sadness and concern, Atjan. I cannot imagine how anyone who has spent time with the Lipizzaner horses could not see, could not want to preserve this wonderful, wonderful breed!
AntwortenLöschenThank you for posting ~ I never would have known. Please keep us updated and informed of any action we can undertake. Americans, too, have a special place for these special horses in their hearts!
Thank you! I know that. I also know, that within this group I am "preaching for my own community", so that I could expect some accompany in my sadness ;-)
AntwortenLöschenBut well.... you could imagine that I am trying to follow the developments immensely (long live the internet!). Let's wait and see what will happen in the next weeks. As far as I can suspect, there is really something going on out there...
Also willing to help if I can. Is it worth doing an e-petition to the Austrian government?
AntwortenLöschenI share you concern Atjan. I have noticed signs of this coming during the past year or so, with talk in the papers of closing down or relocating the breeding operations at Piber. That would be bad enough, but to reduce the breeding herd by half? It is clearly insane. I assume the Austrian government provides financial support for programmes to restore populations of other native breeds such as the Noriker colony at Schoenbrunn. Why cannot the government lend the same support to the Lipizzaner - or must the breed nearly die out before it is "eligible" for rescue?
AntwortenLöschenThe Austrian Lipizzaner and the Spanish Riding School are unique parts of Austria's cultural heritage. They ought both to be under the protection of the state, not run as commercial concerns. The Wiener Staatsoper receives significant support from the Austrian government and the School, in my opinion, is an equivalent cultural and artistic institution - and the stud is vital to the continuation of the School, so both ought similarly to be supported.
It is also shortsighted to claim the School and/or stud produces a loss because of the numbers that appear on the balance sheets. There is no indication there of the revenue the Lipizzaner bring to all aspects of the tourist trade in Vienna and Styria from visitors (like me) who come specifically to see the Lipizzaner and spend a great deal of money on transport, hotels, food and other cultural events along the way. On any day you will find visitors from every corner of the world in the School, many of whom will have dreamed for years of coming to the School and seeing the Lipizzaner. It would be a loss to the whole world, as well as to Austria, if it were to close.
Thank you Ermine. I agree completely. The "Staatsoper" costs the Austrian state directly 35 million Euro. And indirectly (with pensions and so on) more than 120 million !! What means a loss of 2 million for SRS/Piber then?
AntwortenLöschenBeside this, according to a national law (accepted by the national Austrian parliament in 2000, before the so-called privatizing into a "company") the SRS/Piber has the official national obligation to maintain the Lipizzaner breed and the Classical Art of Riding as a cultural inheritance. And with that the Stud of Piber and the SRS as a national institution. This official legal status seemed to be the fundamental principal for a long term assurance of the existence of the Lipizzaner breed as well.
Within the EU-jurisdiction, Austria also claims to have the official status of "Cradle of the Race", which is a legal status which confirms the leading role in maintaining of the Lipizzaner breed in the world - the Austrian breeding principals are the guidance for the world, so to say.
Some responsibility, I would say.
For those who can read German:
www.ris.bka.gv.at Seite 1 von 1
Kurztitel:Spanische Hofreitschule-Gesetz
Kundmachungsorgan BGBl. I Nr. 115/2000
§/Artikel/Anlage § 2
Inkrafttretensdatum: 25.11.2000
§ 2.
(1) Die Gesellschaft hat folgende im öffentlichen Interesse gelegene Aufgaben:
1. dauerhafte Erhaltung und traditionsgemäße Zucht der Pferderasse Lipizzaner, Zucht und Bereitstellung bestgeeigneter Hengste für die Spanische Hofreitschule;
2. Ausübung und Bewahrung der klassischen Reitkunst ("Hohe Schule") sowie der historischen Tradition der Spanischen Hofreitschule;
3. Führung der Spanischen Hofreitschule sowie des Bundesgestüts Piber;
4. Führung eines internationalen Registers für reinrassige Lipizzaner;
5. Führung einer Chronik über die Geschichte der Lipizzaner einschließlich Dokumentation, Archivierung und Quellensicherung sowie Archivverwaltung der ehemaligen Staatshengstendepots Piber und Stadl-Paura;
6. Wahrnehmung von Repräsentationsaufgaben für den Bund gegen Entgelt;
7. Vertretung der die Gesellschaft betreffenden Angelegenheiten in nationalen und internationalen Organisationen, soweit sich diese nicht der Bundesminister für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft vorbehält.
(2) Durch die Tätigkeit der Spanischen Hofreitschule und des Bundesgestütes Piber ("Spanische Hofreitschule - Bundesgestüt Piber") wird die ununterbrochene Tradition der Lipizzanerzucht und der Hohen Schule gewahrt. Das Bundesgestüt Piber ist die Zuchtorganisation, die das Zuchtbuch über den Ursprung der
Rasse Lipizzaner führt.
(3) Wenn es zur Erreichung des in § 1 angeführten Ziels erforderlich ist, kann der Bundesminister für Land und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft, und zwar, soweit finanzielle Angelegenheiten des Bundes betroffen sind, im Einvernehmen mit dem Bundesminister für Finanzen, durch Verordnung der Gesellschaft weitere Aufgaben übertragen.
(4) Der Bundesminister für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft hat unter Beachtung einer artgerechten Tierhaltung eine Verordnung über die Zucht und den Bestand der Rasse Lipizzaner zu
erlassen, welche die Gesellschaft bei der Zuchtarbeit zu befolgen hat. Diese Verordnung hat insbesondere die Bestimmungen des Zuchtbuches über den Ursprung der Rasse Lipizzaner und Regelungen über die Zuchtplanung, das Anpaarungsprogramm, die Leistungsprüfungen und die entsprechenden Dokumentationen zu enthalten.
Please note:
AntwortenLöschenThe available breeding stock of good Lipizzaner mares in the world, capable for "producing" horses for classical dressage, as performed in Vienna, is so unbelievably small, that Piber can not allow herself to decrease her herd!
According to breeding experts and veterinary scientific, within a breed like the Lipizzaner, at least 75 mares with a specific genetic diversity are necessary for the independent existence in long term. At this moment, the present herd is diverse enough. In amount already at the edge, though....with 70 available mares (but every year only 50 in use, already due to costs reducing) Decreasing to 35 mares would turn out into a disaster in long term.
Statistics show us, that out of 75 correct brood mares like in Piber, even with very stringent selection criteria, only once in every 5 year a real "star" shows up.... And out of about 25 colts per year, only 4 or 5 appeared to be good enough to reach Vienna.
Simply counting, how will these be with a herd of 35 brood mares..... ?
The law would seem to cover this problem.
AntwortenLöschen"Permanent preservation of the breed of the horse race Lipizzaner, breeding and supply of horses for the Spanish yard riding school; 2. Practice and retaining of the classical equitation (" High Schule") as well as the historical tradition of the Spanish yard riding school."
Now, it remains to make sure those in decision making positions understand completely the consequences such an action would have. You will need experts in breeding as well as maybe some geneticists to prove the dire consequences of reducing an already borderline population.
Reducing the number of available, genetically diverse mares used in a controlled breeding program (the only controlled breeding program) could very possibly lead to the extinction of the breed in a relatively short time.
But if the Board of Directors is not willing to listen to those experts, and simply take the calculator to decide.... what should we do then...?
AntwortenLöschenThen we take it to the people of Vienna, Austria and the world. Public outcry would have an effect.
AntwortenLöschenIf the government of Austria is not willing to support one of its own major historical treasures, maybe finding sponsers for the horses would make a differance. If people of other countries showed they were willing to find the funds to save the mares, what else could the Board do?
AntwortenLöschenI agree completely with your remark about the public outcry.
AntwortenLöschenBut I do not agree with an international initiative for fund raising at this moment. For me this is a primary task for the board, and a secondary task for the Austrian government. It would be to easy for them, if we would bring in the money, don't you agree? Beside this, this would only be a one-time event. But the solution should be structural and for long term.!
For now I would like to thank you all for your reactions for this moment. I suggest we consider the whole situation, and be alert to developments. Believe me, I will....
AntwortenLöschenAnd I will return to this subject here immediately.
(Now I am going to prepare myself for a performance on long reign with my dearest Neapolitano Elvira, next Sunday at a large horse event... Let's celebrate and enjoy our Lipizzaners ;-)
Please keep us informed, Atjan, and let us know what the international Lipizzaner community can do. I agree with Romy that a public outcry might make a difference.
AntwortenLöschenPerhaps especially from those damn Yanks ~ "Operation Cowboy II." ;-)
AntwortenLöschenThis makes me so sad, to destroy such a beautiful peace of history, tradition and specially one of the most beautiful horses in the world, the lipizzaner! What ever we have to do, i will stand in front of the line to help! What would they do without the lipizzaner? Most of the tourists who come to Vienna are not only coming to see the wonderful city, but also the SRS (lipizzaner). Maybe the ministry and politicians have to cut their own salary? But they are to greedy for that! No, why would they. It's better to destroy such a beautiful tradition and horse! Money is the worst thing in the world! Sorry, but this makes me so mad! Maybe if they drive smaller cars and live in smaller houses, than they can afford, to keep such a fantastic peace of value ( the lipizzaner and SRS )
AntwortenLöschenAnother couple of articles today about the cost-cutting measures at the stud:
The list of horses for sale on the Piber website is depressing - mares of all ages, including one or two who might be thought to have reached an age where they deserve an honourable retirement. They also seem to be selling off some of the riding and driving stock used in performances at the stud which were introduced to attract visitors, which seems counterproductive. I was most upset to see an old favourite of mine among the stallions for sale - Conversano Toscana II, who was always an impressive and instantly recognizable presence in the School quadrille when first I used to visit the School.
I don't know what will happen to the fairly large population of pensioners currently living in the stud - horses like Kottas's soloist, F. Alea II. I hope they will be allowed to live out their days there quietly - however "uneconomic" that may be.
AntwortenLöschenWhen we are ready to organize a formal petition to the government and other powers that be, please let me know.
I will post to several Lipizzaner groups on the net and also Facebook. Please let me know if you need any writing/editing work on the American side of any petitions or letters...would volunteer my services gladly.
There have always been horses for sale from Piber. Are the numbers listed greater in amount than usual?
The Lipizzan breed in Austria is listed by the 'Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations' on their Critical Breeds list as "Critical-Maintained".
AntwortenLöschenA breed is categorized as CRITICAL if: the total number of
breeding females is less than or equal to 100 or the total
number of breeding males is less than or equal to five; or
if the overall population size is less than or equal to 120
and decreasing and the percentage of females being bred
to males of the same breed is below 80 percent.
Breeds may be further categorized as CRITICAL-MAINTAINED
or ENDANGERED-MAINTAINED. These categories
identify critical or endangered populations for
which active conservation programmes are in place or
those that are maintained by commercial companies or
research institutes.
Reducing the broodmare herd by half would remove the 'Maintained' category for the Lipizzan and place it directly on the 'Critical" list.
Over the past 15 years, 300 out of the 6000 domestic breeds identified by FAO have become extinct. There are currently 1350 breeds faced with extinction with an average of 2 breeds being lost every week.
The Lipizzan is on this list.
Genetic resources are among the most valuable and strategically important assets that a country holds. To knowingly increase a breeds chance of extinction should be an international crime. Reducing the gene pool below critical mass would be genetic homicide.
They are unique, not only for Austria, but for the entire world. No other ridng school has for so long captured the hearts of so many people.
AntwortenLöschenThe sales list in Piber is very large at this moment, comparing to earlier years. Many young horses, who are normally given a chance to grow up in Piber are already for sale.
AntwortenLöschenAll horses which are used for representation purposes (driving and riding in shows, inside and outside the stud, like the so-called "Kaiser Quadrille") have to be sold as well. Some of them are already sold. With which horses the summer show in Vienna and the tradtional autumn show in Piber should be performed, is not quite clear...
And a horse like C.Toscana II (former SRS-stallion and former breeding stallion) was never on such a sales list. If they would be available for selling, the were sold in the Lipizzaner "agglomeration" (serious private breeders or riders) without any publicity. And otherwise they would stay in pension.
Thank you for that Atjan - I thought that the numbers of horses for sale at Piber had increased in the past six months, but I only see the sales lists on the web and don't have the benefit of your comprehensive knowledge of the workings of the stud. It did seem to me, though, that the current website sales list is much longer than typical lists from the past few years, and the inclusion of Tosci on the list really upset me! (I admit, I check the website sales regularly just to see whether he's still at Piber!)
AntwortenLöschenI understand the Piber sales are intended as a cost-cutting measure, though it seems a very drastic and short-sighted one. But reducing herd numbers seems to contradict other plans for the School recently mentioned in the press, with proposals to establish a second riding and training centre in addition to the Winterreitschule, either in Schloss Hof, Lainzer Tiergarten, or Heldenberg. The Stallburg, I know, is nearly full. How can the School maintain an even larger herd of working stallions if mares are not covered and so many of the young stock are sold? I cannot believe that small short-term gains from stock sales can make long-term sense, either for the economic well-being of the stud and the School, nor for the fulfilment of their cultural responsibilities for preserving the Austrian Lipizzaner and the traditions of classical dressage.
The herd of brood mares in Piber and the stallions in Vienna are the very basic capital of the "company" SRS/Piber. Nothing else. And I agree completely: not the one without the other. No stallion in the SRS without the mares. Unfortunately nobody seems to notice in Vienna.
AntwortenLöschenAt this moment a large riding hall is being built in Wetzdorf/Heldenberg. For hundred thousands of Euro's. On soil which is NOT in property of the SRS. With a very expensive hiring contract, that claims that if the SRS would stop it, the immovable will turn into property of the land owner. Who happened to be related to the former minister of agriculture..... and the governor of Niederösterreich....
This news is extremely worrying!
AntwortenLöschenI am still thinking of what I can do about it on a personal level & will share with you all when I decide.
And am very willing to consider responding to any suggestions &/or guidance as to what we all can do.
Thank you for drawing these very, very sad prospect to our attention, atjanh.