Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009

Philippe Karl-- German Federation Letter & Petition Response

The FN replied to Philippe Karl on 15 June 2009 and commented on his propositions.
(Because of the way I was sent this, I could only upload it as foto's. You will need to click on each foto and use the "zoom" in the upper right corner to read the letters.)

4 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you Romy for posting this. I just read the German version (the English one not yet - I hope it is translated as detailed as the original German version). Anyway a clear and detailed statement of the Germans.

    The interesting thing is that in the background of this "discussion" the old, 19th century contrast between the German and French schooling system still seems to play a role. With sometimes different accents and different point of views. This will never stop, I fear. [And should not stop, simply because it is a very interesting discussion ;-) ]

    Nuno Oliveira and Egon von Neindorff (both indisputably masters of "classical dressage") had in their times each a Lusitano-stallion, which happened to be full brothers. In spite of their completely different path of equitation and system, the final result was: two stallions with equal abilities and equal appearances, trained on the highest thinkable level! Able to perform the ideal pas-de-deux!

    Nevertheless I could agree with some determinations of Mr Karl about the daily practice of "modern" dressage sports. But I can also agree with the nuancing of Mr Karl topics by the German FN.

    I think every participant to this "conversation", what ever his equestrian background may be, would agree with the basic principal that horse abuse is not the way of reaching the "art of dressage". But sometimes the different perspectives (and national sentiments...) cite against further agreement ;-)

  2. I agree atjanh. There are undoubtedly things which need to be changed in the competition dressage world, but I do feel that these two individuals are poles apart, which is not quite condusive to finding a suitable middle ground!

    Some very amusing body language on the Hess vs Karl DVD, if you haven't already watched it :-D

  3. Philippe Karl has now replied to the German FN. The reply is on his website. It is very funny in parts! I think this "discussion" will continue for a long while...
