Montag, 27. Juli 2009

Charles Harris

What a wonderful, interesting & educational evening I've had due to taking the time to verify my understanding!

I've always presumed when Bobby's written, spoken of or referred to his training under Charles Harris & the book he has with Charles' notes in it that it was Charles' Workbooks from the Spanish School.

Well we all know what thought did ,,, !

What he actually has is The Art of Classical Dressage by Col Podhajsky translated by E. Podhajsky with the Charles' notes referring to it & his training under Col Podhajsky.

This lead to us discussing & sharing online information I'd found that astounded Bobby - he learn things about Charles that he hadn't known!

Rather than risk the ramifications of copyright issues through posting extracts from the links we shared, they are posted below for your perusal. - what an informative synopsis. - index to
Workbooks from the Spanish School.

7 Kommentare:

  1. thanks for that Jose very few people know of my friendship with Charles he was a wonderful man and a great friend of the Col. He was the only UK rider ever to study under the Col and he spent many hours teaching me with various different breeds and always the same wonderful results! he was truely one of the very best. he will aways be my inspiration and leaves me with many happy memories just a pity that so many withn the "school" do not seem to know of his wonderfull work and legacy

  2. I have the Workbook and love it, it's really fascinating. I love his description of his first ride on a Lipizzaner at the SRS and his too-tight breeches, I thought it was hilarious!

  3. I also treasure my copy of the "Workbooks from the Spanish School." It is like a glimpse into history and also into a hidden world that few get to visit.

  4. Elaine,
    I do too!! it is one of my "every day" books. I open it at random each day and really study what is on that page and then go ride with it in mind. It lets me feel like a "fly on the wall" at the SRS, able to listen to it all.


  5. i am also a big fan of this lovely book. with few words, mr. harris conveys complex training concepts and exercises. and the drawings are so useful and--somehow--poignant.
