Sonntag, 12. Juli 2009

Gitano in piaf

My instructeur working with gitano

17 Kommentare:

  1. Tell us more about the horse and the handler!

  2. Nice picture! Your instructor looks like Willy Tenhage. Is this coincidence, or is he...?

  3. you are correct it is Willy, what do you want to know about the hores?
    i can tel you this a gt him wen he was 3 years old at 3,5 year got in to a ascendant where he wounded booth frond legs, he has had an operation on both his frond legs, had to recover fore 5 month's and if you see him now you can see it any more

  4. Lovely Shape and showing real lowering and engagement a refreshing change to most of the pics of "Piaff that we see nowadays! your trainer certainly knows what he is asking for!.

  5. Unlike the overweight mare shown on an earlier post he looks in great shape. andreas I am quite shocked that you actualy thought that the mare I commented on was looking in fine condition!!! she is obviously overweight ! and I would ask you to check out the earlier photos of working Lipis before comparing all lips to the slightly more overweight form that you decide to work with. [ message sent in with all of my respect.]

  6. Is Gitano a Lipizzan? I was thinking this horse was an Andalusian, Lusitano, or PRE ..?

  7. Gitano is a PRE/ Analusian, but barok is barock, and wen i lookt at the picture of the mare, beautiful but in my opinion a little to heavy, sorry, no disrespect

  8. Thank you, Pat. He is very beautiful! Would love to see a headshot of Gitano too!

  9. one headshot, little bit younger there

  10. Thank you again. What a kind and thoughtful look he has ~ he must be lovely to work with. And he is just exquisite with that long, gorgeous mane!

  11. Willy Tenhagen was the former Stablemaster of her Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands. He's an expert for sure.

  12. Thanks Andreas willys body language and perfect management of the excercise is superb. wonderfull little PRE

  13. In his Head Shot could I kindly remark that you should get rid of the flash and decide whether you need a drop or a caveson flash nosebands send all the wrong messages [said in a helpfull way]

  14. thank you, i will talk about it with willy, if he sas thats this is fine i'l stick to this, he never sad anything about it do.

  15. Willy Tenhagen was not HM's Stablemaster, but head of the Riding Dept. (a rank lower ;-)
