Dienstag, 7. Juli 2009

Backstage at the Spanische Hofreitschule

Excuse the technical stupidity, but I thought H & D members might enjoy this video clip from April 2009, which shows footage from morning training and also a visit to the Stallburg, including the great Conversano Dagmar, and my own personal favourite, the dragonish Pluto Bellornata (also to be seen in the Morgenarbeit performing some impressive Wechsel Eins!) I was fascinated by the footage of Herr Bauer long-reining a horse who appears to be Conversano Undine I - but don't quote me on that!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Ermine,
    I don't see a link for the video.
    Also, why is P. Bellornata dragonish?


  2. Ja, that would be because Multiply cunningly refuses to underline the words "video clip" in the first line, despite me putting in the html for it! But if you click on "video clip", the link is there.

    Bellornata snorts most emphatically. As die Gürtler would say, Er ist sehr hengstisch!

  3. Thank for posting this!
    It was lovely to watch!


  4. I found it now, thank you!
    It is nice to see the backstage of the SRS. Bellornata does snort like a dragon!


  5. Very nice video!!! I long to be backstage at the Spanische Hofreitschule. Too bad it's in German and I cant understand it, but who needs words anyway, there aren't any words for how beautiful they are.


  6. Andreas should be able to tell us if it is C. Undine I
    I have to watch the video several times to follow each horse seperately, but that is not such a burden when it is all so beautiful.


  7. What a super video of Bellornata ! Thank you Paeroa. He is one of my favourites there too. His "wechsel eins" thunder down the riding hall. My heart will always be with Maestoso Basowizza though, he is such a gentle old guy.

  8. Oh yes, that is Conversano Undine I with Harald Bauer on long reigns, no doubt about that!
