Dienstag, 26. Mai 2009

Piber 2006

They are gorgeous!!

7 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Romy, Sweet pictures ! I was at Piber in 2007 and I thought it was very friendly compared to my first visit in 2003. You know what, I could have stayed forever - but my husband got bored! I met the legendary Siglavy Mantua Eins and tickled his nose. God rest his sweet soul ! Piber is beautiful. If anyone is heading out there this summer, I can recommend Gunther Bardels place right on the property as a neat place to stay. If not there, try Baernbach as its probably closer than Koeflach town.

  2. I also could stay and watch them all day! I am at peace in the company of horses.

  3. I envy basowizza's meeting with Siglavy Mantua...such an impressive and wonderful boy!

    Also agree that these photos are wonderful! Makes me want to visit those pastures!

  4. Do so!!!!! Air fares are way down now!! I want to go in the fall, it will be very beautiful then.

  5. Ahhhh....money and horses being what they are, I'll have to postpone until next spring, hopefully when the new foals have arrived.

    Am currently looking for a new job and making arrangements to move my horse to Seattle. (She is currently living on a ranch in Carmel Valley). I am so in love with my horse, Quiana, that I can't hardly see anything else, and am she occupies the majority of my heart and also the majority of my thoughts.

    So when it comes to visitng pastures, my highest priority is seeing Quiana in her new pasture in Seattle...I am so looking forward to being able to see her everyday!

    Although having her in a herd situation and having her near her current favorite human--trainer Ray Berta--is the best thing for her, it has been a long hard year, waiting for her to grow up.

    But she is happy, and that is what counts the most!

  6. If I can work out how to send some of my Piber pix I will. To be honest I will probably have to get my daughter to help me on this !!! And yes, meeting S. Mantua 1 was one of the higlights of the day. I told the stableman who was there in not quite perfect Deutsch that I am English and I had seen Mantua in Vienna and in England and how wonderful he was. He looked at me like I was daft! :)
    My few of my pix can be seen on facebook under Karen E MacKenzie.

  7. Karen,
    I would love to see your foto's of Piber!
