Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009

Official uniforms of a Oberbereiter in imperial times

Something serious now:

Please find two official uniforms of a Oberbereiter of the Spanish Ridingschool in ancient, imperial times, which they were supposed to wear outside the school in the 19th century (up till 1918)

Left the brown so-called campagne-uniform (daily common uniform)
(Not in use anymore)

And secondly the red gala-uniform, which inspired the costume makers of the Walt Disney-movie.  (Still the official uniform if a Oberbereiter in case he should represent the school under Gala-circumstances outside the school!)

Both these uniforms belonged to the famous Oberbereiter and leader of the SHS, Johann Meixner (died in 1916). They are now in the collection of the "Montur-depot", part of the Wagenburg-museum beside Schönbrunn palace.

Link for more: KHM

Question from me to Andreas:  are those red uniforms really still available for you, if you would like to visit -let's say- the Opernball ?

9 Kommentare:

  1. Yes, each rider has such a uniform! We had the uniform with us to Japan and we would have worn it at a reception for the emperor of Japan.
    The riders have worn the uniform once to the opera ball.
    To the uniform belongs in addition a "bicorne", white trousers, black jodhpur-boots and spurs.

  2. When you went to Buckingham Palace, I am correct in guessing that you wore your normal brown Frock coats. Or did you meet her Majesty in the reds then change?

  3. No, just in our brown tailcoat ;-) She was very amused :-)

  4. When did the riders stop wearing swords? Were they worn also on horseback?

  5. The sabre belonged to those two types of uniforms, and was only used during official moments. All had just a ceremonial function, and was definitely not a weapon to be used. (The staff of the SRS was civil court personnel - and primary not military)
    In daily riding practice the well-known brown tailcoat was used (since 1814).

    Only the man in charge of the SRS was sometimes wearing a different frock coat during the riding (similar to the "campagne-uniform" as showed above, but in a different color).

  6. But in the riding hall always without the sward, of course!

  7. Andreas, there used to be a red uniform jacket in the old SRS Museum. What has happened to it? It seems too beautiful to have to go into storage. Would the KHM do anything to display it for you.

  8. The Lipizzaner museum was a part of the KHM (Kunsthistorisches Museum).
    Dr. Georg Kugler was the conservator. After dismantling the museum, the complete inventory went to the depots of the KHM, as far as I know. Even some articles which once were exhibitioned in the SRS-office before the renovation of the entrance under the Michaelerkuppel, I fear...
