Dienstag, 19. Januar 2010

New arrivals in Piber

Some lovely photos of two new arrivals in Piber. 

An article in German from the Kleine Zeitung about the first foals of the new season.

I see on the SRS website that eight new (four-legged) pupils for the Riding School are due to arrive in Vienna on Thursday.  That should be interesting for all concerned!

24 Kommentare:

  1. What gorgeous foals! The color of the foal in foto's 4 and 5 looks very strange.


  2. The first this year is a filly with the dam Biondella. She was expected last week, but she took more time. (No name yet, the fillies receive their names later this year, when they have left their mum)

    The second is a colt, named Favory Spadiglia. (According to the habits within the breed, the name of a colt can be compiled immediately) Indeed a odd and interesting color!

    The reason for this color is probably the background of his dam, Spadiglia. She was born in the Slovakian national stud Topolcianky. Although all lines in Topolcianky lead straight back to imperial Lippiza, the herd of this stud has the interesting feature, that ancient color variations remained in the background of the genes. Although most of them bear the gray-factor (and will turn white eventually), you can see these special colors back in the color varieties of the foals.

    {Note: approximately every 20 years, a non-gray dun is born in Topolcianky - yes purebred Lipizzan!)

    BTW: sire of that filly is Favory Amabila, a relative young stallion, but already fully trained, by Mr. Ernst Bachinger himself. He is a half brother to F.Dagmar. Sire of the colt is Conversano Sessana, fully trained by Oberbereiter Eder.

  3. Many thanks for posting this Ermine...I loved seeing these first babies of the new year. And I adore seeing these individual portraits of the mares. We see so many of the stallions taken in singular poses, but not as many of the mares. (But perhaps I am just not seeing enough Lipizzaner photos!)

    The photos of Biondella and baby in the snow are absolutely beautiful...again, thanks for posting. And Atjan, as always, thank you for the tremendously detailed and amazing information you always provide.

    best to you both,

  4. Atjan,

    Non-gray dun? Wow! Have you seen the chestnuts I have heard rumored exist in Czechoslovakia as well?

  5. That's fascinating, Atjan! You can clearly see the traditional dun markings on the little Hengst, with the black stripe down his back and dark legs (he looks a bit like a Siamese cat! :-) I would love to see a full-grown dun Lipizzaner - or a chestnut!

    Fascinating too that F Amabilia is half-brother to F Dagmar 1 - they don't look much alike! I've seen F Amabilia in training and thought he was a very attractive horse - tall and long-legged with a lovely head. F Dagmar is handsome too, but in quite a different style, compact and strong. I believe there's a picture of him doing levade in hand in Laurioux's book (or am I misremembering that?)

  6. No chestnuts in Slovakia. But some in Romania! Very rare though... (So rare, that even I {lol} did not see one alive - only in pictures)

  7. These are breathtaking! Thank you so much for posting. May I ask if the man holding the mare is wearing some sort of uniform? (Very handsome!)

  8. Romania! That's it :D I would LOVE to see one in person, but I would die to own one. That would be so awesome :D

  9. Annie, it is time for you to book a flight to Vienna and Graz ;-)

    The man in the picture is the one-and-only Leopold Weiss, Obergestütsmeister (Head Stablemaster) in Piber. Without him, no foal. Together with "Dr. Max" Dobretsberger he forms the present "dreamteam" in the stud. Together they succeeded to reach a pregnancy percentage of more than 95%, which is more than in nature ;-)

    Like all personnel in Piber, he is wearing the stud uniform.

  10. Whoops, be careful what you say.... ;-) It is too soon for dieing ....

    Because, here is your lucky moment: (or not, depending if you stick to your remark...)

    The Romanian state stud "Sambata de Jos" has two chestnuts for sale right now. Well, it seems to, if you see the pictures (beware they are young, and may be gray after all)

    A young stallion (armasar) and a young mare (iape), both of Neapolitano XXIX.

    See the present sales list at:

    Unfortunately only in Romanian, but nevertheless.... Prices.... Well, 5,000 LEI is about USD 1,750.-

  11. "Annie, it is time for you to book a flight to Vienna and Graz ;-)"

    I know, isn't it? Looking at everything from the horse's point of view (and setting a book sixty years ago) has its disadvantages (i.e. embarrassing lack of knowledge of contemporary humans)!

    The stud uniform is wonderful.

  12. Isn't Spadiglia a love and what a lovely coat. He looks like a little Eyore !

  13. Nice to see the first foals of this year !

  14. Beautiful pics! If I had a spare stable....

  15. For those who can read German:

    On Jan.15, a nice article about the daily practice in the Piber-stud appeared. With "Dr.Max" and Obergestütsmeister (Head Stablemaster) Leo Weiss.


  16. I'm still trying to figure out *which* horses on that page are the chestnut ones :D I mean, there are a few chestnut-coloured ones and I can't find a translation for the page.

    Do they not test for the grey gene to make sure?

  17. Atjan, is this the mare?


    USD $1750? WOWOWOWOWOWO! I'm going to send that page to a friend of mine who is importing black semen from a Hungarian stud. She might be interested in this.

  18. I read the always entertaining google translation to English which usually allows one to get the gist of what is being said. Question: I understand that historically mares at Piber were bred live cover. Is this still the case or are they now being bred via artificial insemination (AI)? Or were they just describing the collection from a preservation standpoint?

    Also, Atjan: any pictures of a dun Lipizzan? How neat would that be!!

  19. Beautiful babies! What lovely Christmas pictures full of New Years promise to come! Sturdy foals! Thanks, Genna

  20. Beautiful babies! What lovely Christmas pictures full of New Years promise to come! Sturdy foals! Thanks, Genna

  21. The filly I'm riding in my photo was born rose grey with a stripe down her back and a red/black face, black legs, mane and tail. We were worried a little, until we went to Lipicca and saw several Ritza clones amongst their black brethren.

  22. Well, those pictures are not so well, in all perspective. Indeed the mare N.XXIX-118 and the young stallion N.XXIX-121 seem to be chestnut. Their sire N.XXIX is black, which would explain a chestnut color.

    I do not know if Sambata de Jos is checking colors by DNA. But mostly you can see it in the robe if it bears the gray-factor: white hairs in the dark coat, like a roan. But that can definitely not be seen on those pictures.

    I did not find any description in that sales list. You should look for vinat-gray/nero-black/deres-brown ... And... well I just forgot what the Romanian word for chestnut is...

    About 10 years ago an acquaintance of mine once bought in Sambata a 3-years old complete black young stallion. No tiny little white hair could be traced in the robe..... Even on the pedigree was noted "nero" .... And guess what happened..... When he was 9-years old he was member of the (complete gray) quadrille of the Belgian Academy for Classical Dressage.... :-)

  23. Heh, that's too funny :D

    We do test for the grey gene over here and we're trying to get the registry (USLR) to make it part of the registration process. I'm sending off my mare's testing kit to the University next week. I'm pretty sure she's GG, but you never know.

    A Lip breeder in West Virginia (trying to use acronyms for non-US folks) has two mares that carry the black gene. One is related to my mare on her topline and the other is a daughter of the black Hungarian Siglavy X1-6. She's importing black semen from a Hungarian stud. I'm rather excited about this venture of hers because I would love to have a black Lipizzan :D

    Thinking about the $ savings in shampoo alone ;)

  24. If anyone would like to see pictures of Siglavy X1-6, known as Jozef, there are quite a few here:

    http://www.lynnrphoto.com/lipizzaner.htm (Page 1)

    http://www.lynnrphoto.com/lipizzanerstallion2.htm (Page 2)
