Donnerstag, 10. Februar 2011

Texting for Horse People ;-)))

OOH - out of hay

LAS - lost a shoe

BBM - bastard just bit me

FOMHL - Fell Off My Horse Laughing

FTC -- Forgot the carrots

MIHA -- Mare's in heat, again

IPTI -- I'll pick up tennis instead

LWW -- Lesson went well

MSMBO - mud sucked my boot off

HSIH - Horse Snot in Hair

HAO - Hay All Over

HIMB - Hay in My BRA


UD - Unplanned Dismount

PTTDG - Prayed to the Dirt God

MMM - Master Manure Mucker

OOM - Out of money

MHTS - More horses than sense.

BAHHFDP - bought another horse husband filed divorce papers

GBBF - got board bill, fainted

GFBF - got farrier bill, fainted

HRHCF - husband realized horse costs, fainted

SLH - Smell like horse

DQFOY - Dressage Queen fell off - yippee

HTNHFH - Hiding the new horse from hubby

WWFNS - Will work for new saddle

AROGC - Arena rained out - going crazy

SSB - saddle sore butt

BTLGR - b###hy trainer left - good riddance

ALIGAR - At least I got a ribbon

NLT - No lesson today

HGR - Have a great ride

R2R - Ready to Ride

6 Kommentare:

  1. What a horrible picture :-(( If you know anything about the anatomy of the horse, and in special about the function of the spine..... then you can imagine what damage this situation may have caused by this poor horse.

    Which idiot got the idea to use such a picture for an advertising campaign ??

    Atjan (not amused - in spite of the intention with the abbreviations - sorry Romy, nothing personal ;-)

  2. But I guess this is a fake as a "montage photo"?
    Still, I agree, this is a very stupid campaign.

  3. Marie-Françoise, I am not quite sure if this is a montage..... :-(

  4. But in that case how can they do that, especially with all the people fond of animal welfare ???

  5. It is a "photoshopped" picture. If you enlarge it, you can see the pixelation where it was worked on. It was created from several pictures and a LOT of photoshop work.
