Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010

Also the Black Neapolitano @ event Horses of the Sun

He was a little naughty and tired of showing in the warming up, but he did very well! It was a great day with great Lipizzaners from Atjan, Regine, Ton and my Neapolitano!

9 Kommentare:

  1. He was a little naughty but ... oh well... you are also... sometimes... you know... hahaha!

    It was great looking at you and Nappie! He is such a wonder-full horse and the harmonie between the 2 of you... really a beautiful show you gave the audience. It was a great day and we showed them what a great horse the LIpizzaner is!

  2. You and you're horse Neapolitano did a great job at event horses for the sun !!!
    It was very nice to see the Lipizzaner at this event.
    I hope that Atjan will show pictures of his kür ?

  3. Thanks regine and hanneke! yes i hope atjan will show his Pictures also :-)

  4. Thamar,

    What an absolutely gorgeous boy you have there! Very, very handsome and even during his little rebellion he is quite stunning! Thanks so much for posting your photos-they are inspiring to those of us who are just starting out on the path you are already travelling. And yes, I am hoping for photos from Atjan as well.

  5. Thank you Elaine,
    That's so nice from you to say :-)
    I am also very proud of him, and i hope he this will give more people the inspiration to follow there dreams with lipizzaners. For me they are the best :-)

  6. Hi everybody! It was really a very good show, last Sunday, here in Holland. After several years of "only" PRE and Lusitano's, I managed to convince the organizing ladies of this "Paarden van de Zon" (Horses from the Sun) event, that the Mediterranean sun is shining just as hard in Lipizza as it shines in Spain and Portugal ;-)
    So this year we were invited to join and show our horses !

    And our Lipizzaner stood very well against all those Spaniards and Portuguese ;-)

    I did not find any pictures of my performance yet, but as soon as I have (and I am satisfied with it.....) I will post some!

    Best regards,

  7. Beatiful pictures and very handsome couple.
    Congratulations. Is there a vidéo of this event?

  8. Thank you :-)
    well maybe there is a video, we only got the pictures! I have a little video but hardly to see!

  9. He really is a stunning animal! You two make a very handsome pair -- naughty or not! ;)
