Dienstag, 15. Dezember 2009

Maestoso Pastime

Atjan Hop is the owner of this wonderful stallion!

Maestoso Pastime-120

born 2002 in Germany

sire: M.Toscana-94 (Piber, 1993 v. M.Saffa)
dam: 33 Pastime (Piber, 1984 v. M.Cäcilia)

Half brother to N.Pastime (Solo-horse at the SRS)

23 Kommentare:

  1. Oh I saw him not so long ago, he is very hansome!

    And his hair , I love it!



  2. He is gorgeous!!! The mane is beautiful. Atjan, how wonderful to have such a beautiful boy!


  3. Wow, Atjan your horse is very beautiful !!!
    The manes are wonderful !


  4. He is stunning! Congratulations Atjan, I'm sure you are going to have lots of fun with your new boy.

  5. Good Grief! What a piece of work! He is beautiful! Takes my breathe away! Awesome!

  6. Wow, he is so white already!! I remember the videotape when he was a foal so well! I loved it! He became a wonder full horse and indeed his manes wauw! And he says I'm such a wise horse with his eyes!

  7. {Blush}

    Thank you all ! But... to be honest... he only partly "mine". He is actually Yolanda's (my wife). She will love your reactions ;-)

    He is such a nice chap. So intelligent, loyal and willing to work. In his exterior completely different than "my" compact Neapolitano Elvira [a lousy Pas de Deux.... :-) ]
    Large frame, 1.59m withers (about 15.3). Excellent movements. A lot of temperament (and some explosion danger...), but never dishonest!

    We bought him as a foal with his breeder (Kirsch-Lipizzaner) in Germany. He had some serious trouble with his health for more than 2 years. Probably rolled in his box, got lain firm, and distorted his spine. With all kind of consequential injuries... That is the reason why we did not come out in public with him. Until now then ;-) (Andreas' blame - I just sent him the pictures, to show those manes.... which is rather rare with Lipizzaners!)

    Since this Spring he is really doing well. All credits come to our miraculous vet (Steffi van der Laarse) -who put all loose ends together and made the overall diagnosis and recovering- and Yolanda, who put so many efforts in rehabilitation training and therapeutical massage.

    These pictures were made last Sunday. Because of the cold we did not make a full exterior picture, only of his head, neck (and manes...). But I will try to make some pictures of his complete body, and post them.

    With his long manes, (and with that his "Spanish" appearance), his large frame and movements, and attitude he is really an eye catcher ;-)

    He sometimes remembers me of those two old paintings of a Spanish stallion, which was captured during the Battle of Nieuwpoort (1600) from the Austro-Spanish Archduke Albrecht of Habsburg, and offered to the winner, Prince Maurits of Orange-Nassau. I will send those paintings to Andreas, perhaps he can post them too. 400 years of breeding in between...

  8. By the way.... our miraculous vet, Steffi van der Laarse, recently moved.... to Germany (surrounding München). Lucky you, down there !!

    Highly recommended, especially for "desperate cases". She is not only a qualified horse-veterinarian, but also veterinary chiropractor, cranio-sacral therapeutic, and acupuncturist.

    See: www.steffivanderlaarse.nl

  9. A very lovely horse. A lovely story. And two very lovely people! The Lipizzaners are lucky to have you both. :)

    (And his mane really is extraordinary!!! )

  10. Thank you for the story and the link Atjan! I'll post the link in the link section.

  11. wow lach, das nenne ich mal einen berg haare (nach einem vollständigen pc-crash war ich glatt nicht mehr befugt, als rorella wieder anzumelden *moser)

  12. Hallo Rorella/Riposada! Du kannst die Bilder als update für Euere Website benützen, wenn Du willst - es sind meine eigene Bilder.

  13. wie lieb von dir. vielen dank! freue mich auf das ganzfoto, denn so schaut er aus, wie eine barbiepuppe und davon dürfte der "lütte" ja weit entfernt sein- griiins und zwinker. wir sollten eine zucht langmähniger gründen- ich hätte da eine kleine "echte" barbiepuppe (also spielzeugpferdformat *lach) als pendent ^^. viele grüße an yolanda

  14. Eine zucht langmähniger? Maestoso Sofia? Geburtsjahr 2011 ?? Werden wir Andreas verschenken ;-)
    Frohe Weihnachten!

  15. si ! griiiiiiins. meinst du, dass ergebnis wird so schlecht, dass wir es verschenken müssen? *entsetzt guck. oder meinst du, dass die mähne dann so lang wird, dass anderas die enden noch als echthaarverlängerung bei sich selbst verwenden kann? oder dass er statt am "langen zügel" dann eine vorführung "an der langen mähne" machen kann? fragen über fragen *schmunzel
    ebenso frohe weihnachten!

  16. Und denkt an die Pflege, bevor Ihr die Langmähnigen vervielfältigen wollt. Ich habe die Clydesdales und Shires gesehen mit ihren "Federn" an den Beinen....na zum Pflügen ist das aber nichts. The Show must go on.

  17. Excelent mane he has!!! That must be a lot of care invested in it :-))

    Question though... what does one need to do, to obtain the curb bit of the SRS?? Or am I mistaken and this is not the one I think it is?:-)))))))))

  18. Well, yes and no. My wife is always grooming him and simply let the manes grow, plaited in hair braids. Only once in 14 days she unties the hair braids, brushes them, rubs them with Cowboy Magic, and plaits them again. Only with shows we let the manes untied. Or in a thick hair braid along the neck.

    The manes are reaching his fore knee right now ;-)

  19. Yes, it is the same curb as used in the SRS. And what to do to obtain such a curb.....?? Just be a Classical Riding and Lipizzaner fanatic, and after some decades, on a wonderful day it simply will arrive in a package ;-))))

  20. the mane: Still quite some effort in my dictionary, compliments to your wife! :)) It sure is fabulous!!

    the bit: a really beautiful present you got! You must be very proud :))

    The qualities you mention... Well, I shall let others to judge me on that for I could not be objective enough. Besides, one cannot decide to be a fanatic for classical riding and Lipizzaners. Either one is all that or simply is not. It either happens, or it doesn't. And that's what makes it all so beautiful and interesting ;)

    Anyway, I'm always happy to see there are people who cherish the heritage that SRS, Lipizzaners and classical riding in general as such carry along through the history.

  21. Andreas, you made my day with this info!!!

    Spirig on the other hand is an excellent candidate to make my wallet totaly dried out :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))

    thanks a lot!!!
