Sonntag, 15. November 2009

The Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy is a new kind of therapy that is predominantly used in cases of pain and movement disorders or restrictions. But it’s effectiveness has proved of values to greater extent.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Is this something you have personal experience with? I am really interested in it, both for horses and people. I have emailed them as to availability in US, but the workshops are in Germany. Not a huge problem, though.


  2. Well, not really.
    I mat Dr. Semih Ersoy in Aubenhausen-Germany at the weekend.
    He's one of the people in charge at this company and, as far as I understood, involved in research.
    I did a "Work in Hand Seminar" at the "Dressurzentrum Aubenhausen".
    It sounded good to me so I putted it up here.

  3. I showed the web site to some people here, a physical therapist, 2 orthopedic surgeons, and a licensed therapeutic masseuse. They all felt it had a lot to recommend it.
