Samstag, 10. April 2010

South African Lipizzaners in Wikipedia

have a look:

14 Kommentare:

  1. Nice job! I especially like the information about the bloodlines in South Africa.


  2. I like the information about the bloodlines too...
    In reference to the provider of this information, I miss a link under External Links and References. I am sure Andreas will add the link ;-)

  3. I like that information too ;-) I would describe it exactly the same {lol}

  4. Why do only women ride and train here? I am curious how that tradition came about, since it is so contrary to the rest of the Western world. (I also think it is a grand idea, myself!)

  5. I think this is a very discriminating organization down there, excluding men ! {lol} Even in the SRS, they don't discriminate in this way anymore. It is a shame, we men won't have any chance in this way.... ;-)

    "...since it is so contrary to the rest of the Western world"

    Dear Emily, I do not know in which part of the western world you live, but in my part 90% of the dressage riders in the higher range are female... (I am a white raven, so to say - or better: a black Lipizzaner! :-))

  6. Oh, it is terrible, isn't it? Poor boys... ;-)

    As far as being contrary to the rest of the Western world, I meant to refer simply more to the point that men usually run such schools of classical equitation and the fact that this school employs women exclusively makes me wonder why it does so? And why didn't I know this before I married and moved to 'the land of the barrel racers?' (Lol...)

    Sadly, Atjan, there is very little dressage where I live now. People think I am absolutely crazy because I don't have my four year old "broke to saddle" yet. Well, that is precisely because I don't want him "broken." I'll happily join your ranks of white ravens and black Lipizzaners!

  7. You are most welcome to join - then I won't feel so lonely anymore :-)

  8. Why, thank you, sir! I am honored by the invitation -- and very glad for the company too! ;-)

  9. They don't discriminate women, they had a man when I helped them, though he resigned after a while.

  10. Just to explain the "all ladies" situation :) ... men are most welcome to join the team. It simply started off as an all ladies team when Major George Iwanowski started building his team of riders and he needed volunteers rather than paid riders. The tradition continued for years and as Atjan mentioned "in my part 90% of the dressage riders in the higher range are female" So too in South Africa.
    To be a bit tongue in cheek - what man would be 'brave' enough to now join a team of 10 or so ladies? Heehee :)
    Andreas - thank you SO much for putting the info on Wikepedia!!! Please, please come and visit the team again!!! I went to visit them a few weeks ago, spent every morning with them and watched 2 performances and they are looking fantastic!

  11. Just searched on YouTube and saw this
    part of an advert. That is the only online video it seems. But for information, go to

  12. Thank you, Andrea!
    I wondered how/why the tradition had arisen and your explanation answers my question. Appreciate it. :)
