Sonntag, 25. April 2010

Prix Romantik Liebold 2010 für Ernst Bachinger - Stimmen zum Preisträger

Romantik Hotels & Restaurants honors Director Ernst Bachinger.

Romantik Hotels & Restaurants vergibt Preis für europäische Werte und Tugenden an den Direktor der Spanischen Hofreitschule Ernst Bachinger.

7 Kommentare:

  1. als aussenstehender (ich hab ja keinen schimmer von den geschehnissen hinter den toren) freut es mich richtig, dass der alte herr auch mal was nettes zu hören bekommt.


  2. Very nice !! I am glad to see this.


  3. Wonderful! He seems very nice. Could someone give us the idea of what's being said in English, please?

  4. A very positive video about Bachinger.
    Good feelings for horses ,people and tradition.
    Great to see this.

  5. Thank you, thank you Romy and Hanneke! How wonderful for him! The school and Austria are blessed, indeed!

  6. The french people love these Romantik Hotels and, by the way, we pent the last Week End at the Gmachl (22 generations of owners) in Elixhausen near Salzbourg and spent there a wonderful time, as usual. We also think that the video is super and Mr Bachinger and his team deserved this award!

  7. The french people love these Romantik Hotels and, by the way, we spent the last Week End at the Gmachl (22 generations of owners) our friends for 20 years in Elixhausen near Salzbourg and had there a wonderful time, as usual. We also think that the video is super and Mr Bachinger and his team deserved this award!
