Donnerstag, 21. August 2008

In Memoriam Siglavy Mantua I

In Memoriam

Siglavy Mantua I



Last Saturday (August 16, 2008), the world famous Lipizzaner stallion   Siglavy Mantua I   died in his old-age home in the Federal Stud of Piber (Austria) at the age of 29. For more than 24 years he was the stabled in the Spanish Ridingschool in Vienna, and became under his rider, 1 st Oberbereiter Klaus Krzisch the icon of this century old riding institution.

For more than 15 years he was the star of the Spanish Ridingschool during all performances. For many years in the "Quadrille" and "All Movements". With his long, silver haired manes he really was an eye-catcher from the beginning.

But Siglavy Mantua I became really famous in the solo-performances with Mr Krzisch, in the classical exercises "Auf blanker Kandare" (only ridden on weymouth with one hand). Not only in Vienna, but really around the world. Perfectionism, classical lightness and elegance were their trademark.

And the most amazing part: he performed on the highest level up till the age of 27!

During his long career in the SRS, he was always ridden by Klaus Krzisch. When the young stallion arrived in Vienna in the winter of 1982-1983, he was immediately assigned to him. It must be said: in his youth, Siglavy Mantua was not quite a beauty. He was tight in the chest and long in the back. And also his neck was not ideal in its position. His movements and strength in the hindquarters were only average. But the consequent training in the classical way, and the skills of Mr Krzisch paid off: the ugly duck really became a swan! His best qualification however was his character. Just like all other sons of Siglavy Plutona, he was very friendly, balanced and willing to work. The dedication to his rider was immense. He was sensitive, but not hyper.


His official farewell as a performing stallion was the US-Tour 2005. But after coming home in Vienna, he appeared to be so fit, that it would be a pity to send him in retirement. So he remained in Vienna till 2007. In the meantime he could be seen during the morning exercises, and sometimes still in performances. He was the old professor to the young assistant rider Mr Schreiner, and took him in his first Quadrilles.

In March 2007 he was really send into retirement. Since then he enjoyed a quiet life in the Federal Stud of Piber. And here his last duty called: to serve the future of the Lipizzaner breed. In 2007 he was used (again) as a breeding stallion. Although his offspring of 2001 appeared not to be really satisfactory in exterior and movements, his mental and physical skills were reason enough to try again. The result can be seen this year: he left some elegant foals!

 Also for the breeding season 2008 his efforts were scheduled. Unfortunately his fertility and health appeared to be decreasing already. His half brother Siglavy Palma had to take over his duties in the stud.

Last Saturday his conditions turned bad. Since some time he had some "Kreislauf" problems (how to translate that in English…? - Let’s say "circulation problems": blood-oxygen-digestion). In good cooperation between Dr. Max Dobretsberger (stud manager), Mr. Ernst Bachinger (leader of the SRS) and Mr Kzrisch, the final decision was made…

In the Spanish Ridingschool, in Piber, but also around the world his fame will survive for ever. Hopefully his son Siglavy Malina II (2002) will turn out to be his prominent successor in the Hofburg.

Atjan Hop


Siglavy Mantua I  &  Dr. Max Dobretsberger - Piber, 2007  (Foto: Langhammer)



Sofia-95  (S.Mantua I  x  86 Biserka) - Piber 2002  {Kirsch-Lipizzaner, Germany}

4 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you Atjan for the great tribute to S. Mantua I. It was always a great thrill to see him in performances at the School and on tour here in the States. I was fortunate enough to see him in the Quadrille, All Steps, and his solos. His solos were absolutely amazing. They were full of presence and perfection!   It is sad that S. Mantua I did not leave more foals... As you say, S. Malina II looks to be a good horse but his sire leaves big shoes to fill!

  2. An email from Kyra Beth Houston (Dressage Unltd) who was given permssion to film part of the School's 2005 performance at Aachen and show it on her TV show to promote the 2005 USA tour:   "I am so sorry to hear this -- he was such a special horse and it was an honor to film him.  If you can get my condolences to his rider, I would so much appreciate it."

  3. I always knew that I would cry the moment I heard about Siglavy Mantua Eins galloping off into heaven.  Mantua epitomised for me what classical dressage is about, between him and Herr Krzisch, the  ultimate partnership between rider and horse.  Grace, nobility, every   movement  executed with love and respect  for the horse, nothing unnatural. Artistic, gymnastic, rhythmic.    In an outdoor performance at the Schoenbrunn, on August 29th 2003 Mantua's solo was a little slow to start, a little nerved by the strong wind, Herr Krisch  gently willed him along in a performance that was magical. Yes, he had a touch of magic about him. Whether in Morgen Arbeit, walking  slowly with the cadet in saddle for the fun of it, or in full glory with Herr Krzisch in the saddle he was the master of the riding hall. Even in the Stallburg he could be aloof. " Hey Mantua " earned me no more than a casual look on one tour.  I was happy to accept that.  Last summer I spent at day at the Piber Gestuet and spent time in the stable  with Mantua.  He was peaceful and had a healthy dose of the munchies.  He eventually came over and I cheekily tickled his nose.  I chatted  "Auf Deutsch" with  one of the stablemen who was genuinely interested in what I had to say about the Starpferd.  I have a photo. It is not spectacular.  I will treasure it for ever.   Tomorrow, I leave for my fortnights holiday in Austria.  It feels imperative  for me now to be in Vienna for one day. [ Yes Andreas, I still have to tell Roderick....]   To Atjan,   a huge thank you  for posting a wonderful tribute to the stallion of the century. Such stunning photographs with Herr Doktor Dobretsberger and tender ones with his rider.   And  of course, to EOB Klaus Krizsch, Mantua's devoted guide, Mein Beileid,  my sorrow.   Karen MacKenzie

  4. Add my soulful moan to the chorus that must have simultaneously risen around the world as we read this post today.

    I think I contributed to the mythical hero status of Siglavy Mantua I by my outright admiration of his ability and of his soundness and longevity. That admiration overflowed into countless blog posts and articles in many magazines over the past four years.

    I think the photo of Herr Krzisch in his stall was one that I took; it was in Washington in 2005 and is especially poignant because Siglavy Mantua had not been feeling well and there was great concern as to whether he could perform the next night or not.

    Then Herr Krzisch arrived and looked the horse in the eye, which is when I clicked the shutter.

    I don't know what transpired between rider and horse in that micro-second, but it was soon announced that the show would go on.

    Like Karen who posted before me, I found that he was somewhat aloof toward me as well as to my camera, and I regret that I never had taken the ultimate photo of him. But then again, I have photos of him at moments like this one in the stall.

    People often ask me who my horse heroes are, or what champions impressed me in my career. My answer is always the same. I went to Vienna with a bit of a jaded attitude toward writing about the Spanish Riding School and left a true devotee of the place, the riders, the staff, the history, the tradition, the mystique...but most of all of the horses, and none more than Siglavy Mantua I.

    Fran Jurga
    (2005 SRS USA tour blogger)

    PS Lots of photos of him still reside on the old tour blog at
    although most of it has been archived now and you have to click on the different months in the left column to see tour photos.
