Sonntag, 27. Juli 2008

Pinon Farm in Santa Fe, NM

Just home from a wonderful week at Karin Bershad`s Pinon Farm  in Santa Fe, and a Clinic with Andreas, and want to thank him for all his wonderful work.  I ask him to help me with the in hand work and the results withing the five sessions were amazing.  I will be studing my DVD`s and looking forward to 2009 Andreas Clinic.
Thanks again Andreas for all your hard work and patience.  

3 Kommentare:

  1. It was such a relaxing, fun and great learning experience for me and my 2 students, who also  rode. The clinic was very well organized and presented by Pinon Farm (beautiful facilities) and Karen Bonhoff. The staff of the farm is so gracious and helpful. Fanny and I enjoyed our work and are looking forward to next summer and the inhand demo that Andreas will be presenting at the farm. I already have several friends ready to travel the 7 hours to watch. We are all excited! Your expertise has payed off tremendously for me in the years that I have been riding with you, Andreas. Such an inspiration! Thank you so much. Karin

  2. Hi Nancy, your horse improofed alot since last time! His Piaffe i hand realy came along. I was surprised as well. He'll make his way, I'm 100% sure. Don't you have any pics to post here? Andreas

  3. Hello Andreas:
    Evalyn Bernis attended the clinic one day and took
    some photos.  I have contacted her and she said she thought she had a few
    good ones but she could not get them to me for a couple of weeks as she was
    going up to Parker for Jr/Yr Rider competition she was to photograph.  When
    I get some I will try and put them online.   I have never done
    anything like this so it will be a challenge but bet I can get it done. 
    Too bad we could not put the DVD`s online as the change was pretty amazing and
    when you rode him Thurs. and he even offered 1/2 steps then . . . . . . Like a
    said it was truly amazing.
    Ouzo has been so good since you rode him and I have been trying to use smaller aids with
    more forward and out of my comfort zone. ; - )  Hope you will see more of
    an improvement next clinic and I will work on getting photos
    Thank you again,
