Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008

SRS Financial challenge

I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr Werner Pohl for California Riding Magazine shortly after a reorganization of SRS was announced publically. A flattering article followed. Toaday, however, privatization is apparantly not going well and keeping SRS on a sound financial footing will be challeging, to say the least.
I would like to help but I need your help in putting me in touch with parties in the film industry.
I control the rights of my novel, KIRCHBORN, published in 2003. It is a suspense thriller with a European setting and, yes, there are horses in it. In fact, international dressage and the IOC are at the core of the plot. A treatment is available upon request.
The profits of such an enterprise could and would be dedicated to SRS.
Kent Gilmore

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