Donnerstag, 17. Januar 2008

Basic, very basic question



I am a new member and have a very very simple question about the management of the horses in the Spanish riding school.


Many trainers now say that horses can eat hay before work, but I was taught to withdraw hay from horses two hours before they work. Is this the case in the SRS too or do they eat hay before work ? I know horses digest very quickly as all prey animals, but in the past this was a rule.


Because the high level of quality of the work the stallions at the SRS achieve and the fact that they may be the last horses trained with a swinging back and moving "middle" (belly muscles not stiff), it would be very interesting to know how they are managed on that level too !


 I think in Dressage the SRS are the reference about top quality and I would not ask this question to no one else ! I hope I am forgiven to ask such a simple question..



2 Kommentare:

  1. We do feed our stallions befor we ride with hay but not with oats. In general, feeding time at the SRS in the evening is 5pm for hay and 6pm for oats. For example, when there's a performance in the evening at 7pm we feed hay at 5pm and oats after the performance at 8:45pm.  

  2. I am most grateful for your time and answer. Thank you so much. Internet is an amazing tool, one just have not to abuse it (and your time). Nevertheless, if your stallions do well with hay before work, this must be right. Thank you so much for the information .
