Dienstag, 27. Dezember 2011

Lipizzaners in Trouble at Vučijak Stud in Bosnia

Sorry for the wrong bank details!

Here is the correct one:

Sorry, in my former post I gave you the wrong bank details! Here is the correct one:                            

Lipizzan International Federation
"Help Fund Lipizzaner"
Konto 50 670 068 215
BLZ: 12000
IBAN: AT89 1200 0506 7006 8215

Article in the biggest Austrian newspaper "Kronen Zeitung":

"Die Zustände für die Pferde des staatlichen Lipizzanergestütes in Vujiak sind katastrophal", erzählt Dr. Max Dobretsberger vom Gestüt Piber der Spanischen Hofreitschule bedrückt. Es läge an bürokratischen Hürden und politischen Versäumnissen, dass die wertvollen Tiere in Vujiak weder genügend Futter bekommen noch Einstreu im Stall haben, hat man ihm erklärt. Auch für die medizinische Versorgung ist kein Geld da, an Entwurmungen oder Impfungen ist nicht zu denken.

Dabei wäre das Problem leicht zu lösen, wie der Pferdeliebhaber erklärt: "Prinzipiell könnte es durch die Nutzung der eigenen landwirtschaftlichen Flächen gelöst werden. Da es aber an Maschinen und kompetenten Personal fehlt, wurde die Landwirtschaft und somit die Eigenproduktion von Futter schwer vernachlässigt beziehungsweise gar nicht betrieben." Zu diesem Zeitpunkt gibt es für die rund 130 Tiere auf dem Gestüt nur noch 40 Rundballen Heu. Damit werden sie den Winter nicht überstehen.

Die LIF (Lipizzan international Federation) wurde sofort aktiv und versucht bis Jänner zumindest Futtermittel - inklusive Kraftfutter für tragende Stuten und Fohlen - und die dringend benötigte Einstreu für die Pferde zu finanzieren. Zusätzlich initiierte die Zuchtorganisation nun eine Spendenaktion. Diese Maßnahmen sind aber nur eine kurzfristige Notlösung des gröbsten Problems, so der Gestütsleiter: "Es müssen auf jeden Fall nachhaltige Veränderungen auf den Plan treten. Denn abgesehen vom Leid der Tiere sind sie auch von höchstem Interesse für die Lipizzaner-Zucht."

In Vujiak findet man sehr typvolle Pferde der klassischen Linien, die auf die Gestüte Elz, Stancic und Lipik zurückgehen. Damit stellen sie einen weltweit genetischen Schatz dar, dessen sich das landwirtschaftliche Ministerium in Banja Luka nicht bewusst ist. Im Moment werden die Tiere vor allem von einer handvoll Liebhaber betreut. "Diese Leute muss man unbedingt unterstützten. Denn die Pferde brauchen wirklich Hilfe, nicht nur um diesen Winter zu überleben", so Max Dobretsberger.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Hi Andreas, Very sad, I will make a donation & I am also on the board of (LIDCTA) Long Island Dressage and Combined Training Association. I have just sent out a mass email to our members for help.

  2. CONCERNING THE ORIGINAL TEXT OF THE FIRST POSTING (currently removed by Andreas):

    REMARK 1
    BEWARE! That text (the "Original Press Release") was s a very old text, which can be found on the old website of the LIF. So the address-information of the LIF is not correct anymore. (This concerns the address of the former secretary general Mrs Hildegarde Gekiere - she retired in 2005! ). The initiative for this specific supporting act ended about 10 years ago.

    The present secretary of the LIF is Mr. Christian Manz, He is living in Arbesthal, Austria. Email address: christian.manz@wavenet.at

    REMARK 2
    It might sound unbelievably, but…..the situation in the Bosnian state studfarm “Vucijak”, DID NOT CHANGE SINCE THE LAST 10 YEARS!! The government in Sarajevo, and the local authorities in Banja Luka still do not take their responsibility towards their Lipizzaner horses and the personnel.

    Although the Bosnian authorities seem to be very proud of their part of the Lipizzaner cultural heritage in word, they do not take care at all for any primary need of the horses! No hay, straw or corn harvest in Summer (which means no food in Winter!), no farrier, no anti-parasite pasta, no influenza/tetanus injections, no veterinary support, nothing! The government in Sarajevo claims that the local authorities are responsible, the locals in Banja Luka think the opposite around. The few people in the studfarm who are persistent (or foolish?) enough to take care for the horses, are hardly paid. It is more than a shame what is still happening in stud Vucijak.

    In the week before Christmas, Dr. Max Dobretsberger (manager federal stud Piber, Austria) and Dr. Thomas Druml (president LIF-Breeding Committee) visited Vucijak again, and were shocked. Shocked about the circumstances in which the Lipizzaner of Vucijak are supposed to live in. Shocked about the complete lack of primary needs for horses and men. Shocked that there is not enough food in stock to survive this winter.

    Dr. Dobretsberger made an apply for the regional Bosnian television, which even reached the evening news on the national television. He literally claimed that the Bosnian state and people should be ashamed that they are treating their Lipizzaner in this way, only by not taking any responsibility. For more than 10 years now!

    Also for the Austrian press this message was clear:

    Indeed the LIF started a new help fund. You can find the correct data in this Austrian newspaper article. Please contact LIF-Secretary Mr Christian Manz about the details!

    Atjan Hop
    (Former LIF Secretary General - after Mrs Gekiere, and before Mr. Manz)

  3. Please Andreas,
    Just to avoid misunderstanding: please may I ask you to remove that ancient address-data of Mrs Gekiere in Sterrebeek from your copied text? Unfortunately the rest of the text is still at stake anno 2011/2012 :-(

  4. Sorry Atjan, sure I have to change that :-)

  5. I changed my original comment too! Now it matches ;-)

  6. One question though! Where did all the previous money go?

  7. The policy of the LIF was, not simply to hand over money, but to support with practical goods. The money of the first donation was spent (in consultation with the staff of Vucijak) by buying a tractor, to be used for the harvest of hay, straw, corn. The machine is still in Vucijak, a bit rusty though. Apparently the stud does not get any money from the government to buy fuel for the tractor.....

    As far as I know, there is still a part of the Vucijak-fund available with the LIF now, to be used for emergency cases (like this moment).
