Dienstag, 1. März 2011

Pegasus TV, Alois Podhajsky at the Spanish Riding School

Just as Atjan said, you're looking for something else and then you find something else...

"A re-discovered 15 minute long film thought lost from the early 1950's which was made for Austria's tourism features rare and unusual footage of the Spanish Riding School and its director, Alois Podhajsky. The horses are absolutely magnificent and the riding superb. The quadrille at the end is not to be missed. Compare the horses and riders with those of today -- 60 years later -- any difference? A terrific mini-doc from out of the past. "



3 Kommentare:

  1. So glad you found this, Aleksandra. I love these old films, so important to keep them safe.


  2. Does anyone have any footage of their first US performance in NY in the '50s??? I know the Stallions stayed at Mr. Fisher's Kenilworth riding school in Rye NY. FWIW Mr Fisher was in the Hungarian cavalry and his lessons were replete with stories. Needless to say our lessons were rigorous. It was quite awhile before we rode on anything more than a bareback pad. As a child I didn't truly understand the importance of what he was teaching.
