With a introduction of Oberbereiter Andreas Hausberger! And with text contributions of Andreas and representatives of Jerez, Lisbon, Saumur.
Although this book is published in German, it really deserves attention also in the English speaking world!
This highly interesting publication offers a complete survey about this specific part of the Classical Art of Riding. With basic training conditions, exercises from A to Z, Do's and Don'ts. And many very informative pictures, quotes and advises.
The authors emphasize that the Work on Long Rein is additional to riding/training under the saddle. And is, as the subtitle of the book shows: the crowning of the complete training of the horse.
Both authors are experienced riders in the "classical corner", inspired by the 4 Classical Riding Institutions (Vienna, Saumur, Jerez, Lisbon), but also by German ridingmaster Richard Hinrichs. Both are training for some years now with Andreas Hausberger.
For those among us who do not speak German: please encourage the German publisher Wu Wei Verlag (www.wu-wei-verlag.com) to provide an English translation!
I assure you: this book will turn into the standard work for Long Rein exercise!
Atjan, thank you very much for this - I was just wondering if this book was good and worth buying! :)))
AntwortenLöschenSo you have it already Sandi?
AntwortenLöschenI'm at lunch in Café Oberlaa :-)
AntwortenLöschenI have just placed an order to Wu Wei Verlag, so I guess within a week or so, I shall have it :))
AntwortenLöschenI was a bit affraid to just order it promptly, as we have discussed the topic book and long reining at the course in Karlsruhe and Mr. Schmidt was quite critical to some books on long reining (i.e. Wilfried Gehrmann's) and he very well explained why he was not convinced by some authors, so I decided to check it our first. Luckily, Atjan was kind enough to say a few words about it and what he said about the book, together with your name related to the book and the authors was totally enough for me to just order it :)))
Guten Apetit ;)
Thank you so much Atjan!! I hope this book starts to fill the void of information in this type of work.Mester Luis Valença says that in the long rein (iberian schooling) you direct the horse with your mind. Therefore, it's understandable the difficulty of trying to put it into words, as the language of the "mind" isn't linear. But it's certainly worth trying because with a willing horse, this is most rewarding.
AntwortenLöschenThank you also for providing the link to the publisher.
Thank you so much Atjan!! I hope this book starts to fill the void of information in this type of work.Mester Luis Valença says that in the long rein (iberian schooling) you direct the horse with your mind. Therefore, it's understandable the difficulty of trying to put it into words, as the language of the "mind" isn't linear. But it's certainly worth trying because with a willing horse, this is most rewarding.
AntwortenLöschenMaroni? Apfel-streusel? :-))
AntwortenLöschenI also ordered the book, thank you, Atjan for the review.
I had green Tofu Curry with rice, after that a "Melange" :-)
AntwortenLöschenNice book i had buy it on the equitana . It's very interesting for every one who do working on the long reins.
AntwortenLöschenHello Atjan,
AntwortenLöschenThank you for the heads-up on this book. I took your suggestion and have just written Ms. Sonntag of wu-wei-verlag to request a version in English.
I would also welcome a version in French!
Best to you,
Atjan, please contact the authors and ask them to have Isabel to contact me at XenophonPress@gmail.com or www.XenophonPress.com we are English publishers and would be glad to publish the English edittion. We are bringing out Charles de Kunffy's new book and epublishing his Ethics and Passsions soon. I would be glad to talk to them about an English version.
AntwortenLöschenon another note, have any of you read the book on the 'pliable seat' by riegler? as it is in German, it would be a difficult read for me. would it be worth having in English? it seems like an excellent topic.
AntwortenLöschenI saw the DVD and I absolutely like it!
AntwortenLöschenI don't know any German! Any recomendations on a long lining book in English. I truly enjoy long lining and would like to learn more.
AntwortenLöschenPhilippe Karl's book is definitely good on the topic.
AntwortenLöschenI got the above book by S. Gunzer and N. Künzel now and can only say, it really is something else! Again, Andreas, thank you for sharing info and reccomendation on this book with us!
AntwortenLöschenYou are welcome Sandi!