Mittwoch, 11. März 2009

Spanische Hofreitschule

5 Kommentare:

  1. god, those one tempis on the long rein slay me every time... seeing it in paris, i thought i would die.

  2. Hi Andreas,

    This video looks like the films that were shot in Sept/Oct 2007 for the 2008 New Year Concert on TV. But, it's much more than actually was shown on TV! So, Thank You!!!!

    Seeing C. Dagmar come so close to the cameras is amazing. It looks like some of the cameras were overhead. Wasn't he frightened at all by having machinery and strange things above him? I remember how some horses spooked during Morning Training when some of the cables buried in the arena were expsed. I can only imagine how frightening things overhead must have been for the horses!

  3. Hi John, no not at all. When I did the one-tempis on the diagonal towards the camera I even had to stop him from doing the ones, he wanted to do them under the camera crane (hope I spell that right ;-)). He's really amazing!

  4. So nice ! What a amazing horse C. Dagmar. I think it's lovely to work with this horse every day !
    Paris was great I had watching this film very much and every time still thinking at Paris . So good !!!
