Montag, 4. Juli 2011

Lipizzaner Gala in Heldenberg

11 Kommentare:

  1. Copy and paste the address into your browser!

  2. Nice to be able to have performances outside.

  3. Question: when did Mr. Bachinger become a Oberbereiter? I thought he was a Bereiter and director of the school (Leiter der Reitschule)? Thank you :))

  4. He is the director and he's a Bereiter Sandi.

  5. Andreas, thank you! I thought so, but got confused by the info in the video about it ;)

  6. According to the FENA/OEPS (Austrian equestrian association), Mr. Ernst Bachinger bears the official title "Reitmeister". (Riding master)

    Once, within a certain period of the SRS, the title "Reitmeister" was a higher rank than Oberbereiter. But I do not know if this still counts.

    Famous directors of the SRS never were Oberbereiter! Colonel Hans Handler was a Bereiter for some time, and returned to the cavalry. He returned in 1965 and became director. He was famous for his excellent horsemanship.
    Colonel Alois Podhajsky was only trainee in the SRS in his early years for a small period, and never part of the riding staff. Nevertheless he became director of the SRS, and leading man inside and outside the arena.

    I must admit, that (to my personal opinion) all discussions, (mostly within Austria, but with a huge echo in the rest of the world), about the skills of Mr. Ernst Bachinger as a rider, trainer and leader of the SRS, are becoming quite irritating. And are de-valuating and hurting the SRS and his own reputation immensely. :-(

  7. Atjan, I never intended to start a discussion like those you referr to. I was only confused about the info in the video, where it was noted that Mr. Bachinger was an Oberbereiter and I was sure he was Bereiter and Director. My question refferred exclusively to the title-naming with no implication on his competences. Even my personal opinion on the matter of those discussions is not clear for I know way too litle details to be able to make one.

    However what I find interesting is your note on Reitmeister to be once a higher rank than Oberbereiter. I did not knew this was an official rank at the SRS.

  8. Dear Sandi,

    I would like to apologize to you in this matter. It was not my intention to offend you somehow. (When I re-read my text, I can imagine that you might think this).

    Your remark was just the trigger for me to criticize this situation in common. A bit "off-topic" perhaps. Sorry for that. I simply do not like this strange "play" which is going around the position of Mr. Bachinger. It damages the SRS.

  9. Dear Atjan,

    absolutely no need to appologize, I wasn't offended in any way and didn't take it personally. Just wanted to make it clear and avoid any misunderstandings about why I asked the question.

  10. It was in the years 1938-1945. Within those times Oberbereiter were suddenly called Reitmeister. After the decease of OB. Zrust, OB Polak and OB Neumayr, OB. Lindenbauer remained as the highest in rank: Der Reitmeister. In the after-war period he remained to be called "Reitmeister Lindenbauer", in his position of leading Oberbereiter (1.Oberbereiter)

    But It may also be possible, that he also was rewarded by the Austrian national equestrian association with the official title "Reitmeister". Which might be the cause that he was called in public in this way after 1945, in stead of Oberbereiter or Erster Oberbereiter.

  11. Thank you so much for this interesting explanation!!!
