Montag, 6. Juni 2011

movie premiere and fanshows for the movie "penny's shadow"

Neapolitano XXIX-18 and Malle as the big movie stars!!!

14 Kommentare:

  1. Wow Thamar....... The Bell of the Ball ;-)))))

    We missed it, due to sudden circumstances...... Most regrettable, as we can seen now ;-)

    I will call you soon!

  2. I'm proud of you Thamar! Your horses are really one of the best trained Lipizzans I know out of the SRS!

  3. And did you see our "Hollandsche Manege" in Amsterdam again ;-)))
    If you are in Amsterdam, you should visit this monument!!

  4. And did you see our "Hollandsche Manege" in Amsterdam again ;-)))
    If you are in Amsterdam, you should visit this monument!!

  5. Hey Atjan, I've been to the Manege in Amsterdam. It was peaceful. I loved a sign that said, no admission beyond here to the horses unless you speak Dutch. I could have done with Clara Moehlman with me. :-)

  6. Wow :) That's such a beautiful horse and a lovely dress!!

  7. Thank you so much :-) when i read this all i get tears in my eyes! It was such a happening and so much effort for all my work, I am really in a heaven at the moment! And Neapolitano is a real star now, people were pushing each other to make a picture off him :-)

  8. Thank you all for these very nice comments!

  9. Beautiful nice red dress on the black horse !!!
    Congratulations Thamar.
    I saw today video clips of the movie very nice !
    Next week i will watch the movie !
