Sonntag, 15. August 2010

Jan. 21, 2010, young Lipizzaner Stallions arrive

4 year old Lipizzaner stallions arrive at the Hofburg in Vienna Januar 21, 2010. Then they get their first look at the Stallburg, their new home. It is a little scary to be the new guys ! All of the older stallions are very interested in the new arrivals.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Can I have one please.....just one, I won't be greedy! They are wonderful photos and I love photo 8 and 9 especially.


  2. I love to look at these youngsters. So much potential and promise for the future.


  3. Cat inspection? ;-))))
    Is there any stable in the world without at least one cat?

  4. Yes there is one in North Wales where where Rags is!

  5. Every barn I have been at has at least one, usually several. They help keep mice and rats under control. And very kindly pop out in front of your horse and race across the arena in order to test how secure your seat is. ;-))

